Monday, November 9, 2009


Goals come in many forms... I have my daily goals, those that get me through the day. Then there are goals for the next few months and goals for my future that are to help me through the rest of my life.

My daily goals start with getting out of bed each morning and getting that first cup of coffee or two. Sometimes it is necessary to set a goal for the next 5 minutes. Anything to get me through the day.

The goal to accomplish over the next few months is seeing my "baby" graduate from high school. The final opportunity to impress upon him the importance of making good decisions in his life and setting his own goals for his future.

Long term goals are the toughest and seem to be an ever changing list for me. There are things I'd love to do in my life like go to a warm beach somewhere when it is the dead of winter of Kansas. Or drive the race cars like they do in NASCAR. Probably the one that will really get done is the new floor in my kitchen and entry way.

The floor here is old and disgusting. Every time I mop, I have a few choice words for the ugly floor. That will be my goal, to save enough money to replace that floor and make it all new again. I'll also have to figure out what kind of floor to put down, something durable and yet looks nice.

By the time I've decided on the flooring I want and have the money saved to actually do the job... I'll probably go find a warm beach to sit on and ponder it for a while. I wouldn't want to make any snap decisions on flooring, that has to stay on the floor a long time.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh... to floor or to beach...

We went with cork flooring & adore it. So warm and nice to walk on and looks beautiful!